Izdelki za olje in (110)



Das Oliventresteröl von The Mill ist eine Mischung aus nativem Olivenöl extra und reinem Oliventresteröl. Es eignet sich für alle Arten von Braten und das Bratöl kann oft verwendet werden. Erhältlich als 1 Liter und 2 Liter PET-Flasche, und BULK. Herkunft: Ägäische Küste der Türkei


Nichtwassermischbarer Kühlschmierstoff Hochwertiger nichtwassermischbarer Kühlschmierstoff konzipiert für die Metallbearbeitungsoperationen. Die Auswahl der Mineralöle garantiert einen geringen Aromatengehalt. Polare Zusatzstoffe liefern optimale Benetzung und Schmiereigenschaften und stellen somit hohe Oberflächengüte und Standzeiten sicher. Gebinde: Fass Gewicht: 170 KG


Hydrauliköl YOUiNG-HYD HLP-Öle sind mineralölbasische Hydrauliköle zum Einsatz in hochbelasteten hydraulischen Systemen und Antrieben. · Kennzeichnung HM nach ISO 11158 · Kennzeichnung HLP nach DIN 51524, Teil 2 · Denison HF2 / HF0 · Cincinnati Maschine P-70 Gebinde: Fass Gewicht: 183,248 KG
Olja za Kompresorje

Olja za Kompresorje

Alle Öle dieser Produktreihen erfüllen bzw. haben eine bessere Performance als in den Normen nach DIN 51 506 VDL, sowie ISO 6521 DAB und DAC, ISO 6743 DAJ festgelegt ist. Spezialöl für die Reinigung offener, teiloffener und geschlossener Systeme! Verdichter und Vakuumpumpen können im laufenden Betrieb gereinigt werden.
Olja za plinske motorje

Olja za plinske motorje

SEVELUB® Gasmotorenöle sind speziell entwickelte vollsynthetische Hochleistungsschmierstoffe Die Gasmotorenöle der C+M GmbH sind vollsynthetische Schmieröle auf der Basis besonders hochleistungsfähiger Grundöle in Kombination mit einer ausgewogenen Additiv-Technologie. Die Kombination aus hochwertigen Ester Basisölen und einem speziell entwickelten Additivpaket eignet sich ausgezeichnet für die Schmierung moderner Gasmotoren. SEVELUB® Gasmotorenöle werden sowohl im Erdgas- und Biogasbereich als auch in den verschiedensten Sondergasanwendungen (z.B. Klär-, Deponie-, Holzgas) eingesetzt.
Ekološko Ricinusovo Olje Vegan - 200ml - 100% Čisto, Naravno, Domače

Ekološko Ricinusovo Olje Vegan - 200ml - 100% Čisto, Naravno, Domače

For Eyelashes, Hair & Skin Care & Healthy Nails - Light-Protection Glass Bottle - Satin Naturel’s Organic Castor Oil is the solution for all those who are still in need of an all-natural, high-quality whole-body moisturiser. Premium-class castor oil is characterised by its purity as well as its richness in vitamin E and essential omega fatty acids. Its versatile effectiveness supports your body in the alleviation of bothersome beauty flaws. Castor oil assists in the strengthening of brittle hair, eyelashes, and brows. It hardens your nails from the base and supports the healing process of cracked cuticles. When applied regularly, castor oil leads to an improvement in skin texture and appearance due to a positive anti-ageing action The oil’s antioxidants protect your skin from free radicals. At the same time, it promotes the regeneration of your cells. This effect prevents the formation of new wrinkles and softens existing ones. Scar tissue and birth marks are gently smoothed by the same effect as well. Additionally, your skin is provided with radiant moisture.
Ekološko arganovo olje Vegan, Hladno stisnjeno + 100 % Čisto 100 Ml

Ekološko arganovo olje Vegan, Hladno stisnjeno + 100 % Čisto 100 Ml

Skincare Rich in Vitamins for Anti-Aging, Young, Soft Skin, Healthy Hair & Nails - Our argan oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product, grown in organic cultivation. It is gently cold-pressed from select argan kernels to preserve the valuable nutrients and vitamins. The oil’s characteristic, nutty aroma indicates that we did not alter its natural state and vouches for the product’s purity. We forego the use of additives, fragrances, and chemicals during and after the extraction process. The precious oil is characterised by its versatility, effectiveness, and valuable composition. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E, precious, unsaturated fatty acids, and skin-protecting polyphenol, which makes it the perfect natural moisturiser for your hair, skin, and nails. The oil assists you in your daily beauty routine. It supports the relief of dry, flaky skin, nourishes brittle hair from root to tip, and strengthens weak nails. In the long term, the unique composition of nutrients provides you with long hair, healthy nails, an improved complexion.
Ekološko CBD olje z vitaminom D in ekstraktom melise - 10% BALANCE

Ekološko CBD olje z vitaminom D in ekstraktom melise - 10% BALANCE

STIMMUNGSKANONE IM SPITZENFORMAT Bei diesem Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl ergänzen Vitamin D und Melisse die Wirkung des CBD. Der Effekt: Du kannst gut in den Tag starten. Die „Stimmungskanone“ im Spitzenformat wird in der Schweiz hergestellt. Die wichtigsten Inhaltsstoffe stammen aus Bio-Anbau: Der Bio-Nutzhanf enthält 15% CBD, wichtige Cannabinoide, Terpene und weitere Bestandteile der Hanfpflanze. (1 Tropfen = ca. 5 mg CBD). Als Trägeröl verwenden wir Bio-MCT-Öl. Der Körper kann dieses Kokosöl mit „Medium Chain Triglycerides“ – mittelkettigen Fettsäuren – besonders gut verstoffwechseln. Deshalb ist es die perfekte Basis zur Aufnahme von CBD, Vitamin D und Melisse. Aromaöl nicht zum Verzehr geeignet.
Polno Spektralno CBG Olje - Na Debelo

Polno Spektralno CBG Olje - Na Debelo

Cannabigerol (CBG) ist wie Cannabidiol (CBD) ein Cannabinoid aus der Hanfpflanze, das mit dem Endocannabinoidsystem zusammenarbeitet und helfen kann, das körperliche Gleichgewicht zu erhalten.
Polno spektralno organsko CBD olje - NA DEBELO

Polno spektralno organsko CBD olje - NA DEBELO

Die angebotenen Vollspektrum Produkte enthalten durch CO2-Extraktion erzeugten Premium Bio-CBD Vollspektrum-Extrakt auf Basis von Cannabis Sativa L. Sie enthalten unter 0,2% THC und besitzen ein sehr reichhaltiges Cannabis-Terpen-Profil. • 100% Bio & Natürlich • Natürlicher Hanfgeschmack • Swiss Made
Nerafinirano sojino olje

Nerafinirano sojino olje

RNK Impex GmbH grain company offers raw and refined sunflower and soybean oil for food production, biofuel plants, feed mixing production and other zootechnical needs. We can also provide productions with: - corn - grain - lecithin - flour - sugar - butter - powdered milk - condensed milk
Širokospektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - NA VELEPRODAJO

Širokospektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - NA VELEPRODAJO

Die Breitspektrum Produkte enthalten durch Flash-Chromatografie erzeugten Premium Bio-CBD Breitspektrum-Extrakt. • THC-frei • 100% Bio & Natürlich • Natürlicher Hanfgeschmack • Swiss Made
Polno Spektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - 10% CBD

Polno Spektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - 10% CBD

CHILL MAL DEINE BASIS In diesem Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl steckt die konzentrierte Kraft der Hanfpflanze. Der Effekt: Du kannst Entzündungen, Schmerzen oder Schlafstörungen lindern und fühlst Dich einfach besser. Du hast gar keine Zipperlein? Dann freu Dich und genieß einfach die entspannende Wirkung. Das Öl wird in der Schweiz hergestellt. Die Inhaltsstoffe stammen aus Bio-Anbau: Der Bio-Nutzhanf enthält 10% CBD, wichtige Cannabinoide, Terpene und weitere Bestandteile der Hanfpflanze. (1 Tropfen = ca. 5 mg CBD). Und auch das Sonnenblumenöl ist Bio. Die Kombination der beiden Komponenten geben dem Öl einen nussigen, starken und leicht bitteren Geschmack. Wie all unsere CBD-Öle ist das 10%-Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl ein kosmetisches Produkt zur Mundpflege.
CBD in Jojoba Masažno Olje - 2.300mg CBD

CBD in Jojoba Masažno Olje - 2.300mg CBD

CBD & Jojoba Massage Oil – Zeit für einen Ölwechsel Der Begriff „Multitalent“ wurde bestimmt für unser Öl erfunden. Es ist nämlich Massage-, Haut-, Gesichts- und Haaröl in einem. Wertvolles Bio-Jojobaöl spendet reichhaltige Feuchtigkeit – ohne einen lästigen Fettfilm zu hinterlassen. Das darin enthaltene Vitamin E stabilisiert die hauteigene Schutzbarriere. Dadurch beruhigt es auch irritierte Haut, z.B. nach einem Sonnenbrand. Doch perfekt wird das ölige „Dream-Team“ erst durch das Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl. Denn dessen Terpene wirken wie eine Aromatherapie. Als Massageöl lässt sich unser CBD & Jojoba Massage Oil gut verteilen und dringt bis in die tieferen Hautschichten ein. Als Körperpflege nach dem Baden oder Duschen hinterlässt es ein angenehm zartes Hautgefühl. Als Gesichtspflege spendet es Feuchtigkeit und Elastizität. Und als Haaröl spendet es trockenen Haaren natürliche Feuchtigkeit.
Nara Telesno Olje - Regeneracija in Nega za Zahtevno Kožo.

Nara Telesno Olje - Regeneracija in Nega za Zahtevno Kožo.

Regeneration und Pflege für die beanspruchte Haut. Leichtes, tief eindringendes Omega-6-reiches Körper-Öl spendet Feuchtigkeit und stärkt die Schutzfunktionen der Haut. Es zieht rückstandslos ein, hinterlässt ein samtig-zartes Gefühl und einen verwöhnenden Duft. - !Nara Bio Naturkosmetik Körper-Öl 50 ml ist ein reichhaltiges Pflegeöl für eine sehr empfindliche trockene Haut. Sie spendet viel Feuchtigkeit, wirkt beruhigend und lindert lästigen Juckreiz. - Das Pflegeöl ist sehr ergiebig und somit auch perfekt als Massageöl geeignet. Sie können das Öl aber auch als Badewasserzusatz verwenden, so wird Ihre Haut schon beim Waschen zusätzlich verwöhnt. - Optimale Wirkstoffkombination aus dem !Nara-Öl mit 57% Anteil an Omega-6-Fettsäuren, Kokosöl, Zitronenöl, Lavendelöl und Rosenöl. Hochwertigste Öle sorgen für ein erfrischendes belebendes Hautgefühl. - Es werden rein natürliche Inhaltstoffe aus biologischem Anbau verwendet.
Drugi sestavni deli za popolne popravke avtomobilov.

Drugi sestavni deli za popolne popravke avtomobilov.

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Deli zunanjosti in notranjosti

Deli zunanjosti in notranjosti

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Ekološko Mandljevo Olje Vegansko + Hladno Stisnjeno, 200ml - Vijolična Steklenica - Bogato z Vitamini za Mehko Kožo - Čista Naravna Kozmetika

Ekološko Mandljevo Olje Vegansko + Hladno Stisnjeno, 200ml - Vijolična Steklenica - Bogato z Vitamini za Mehko Kožo - Čista Naravna Kozmetika

Our almond oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product, grown in organic cultivation. It is gently cold-pressed from select almond kernels to preserve valuable nutrients and vitamins. The oil’s characteristic, slightly sweet aroma indicates that we did not alter its natural state and vouches for the product’s purity. We forego the use of additives, fragrances, and chemicals during and after the extraction process. The precious oil is characterised by its gentleness. Due to this characteristic, it is especially suited for dry, sensitive, and easily irritated skin. The oil integrates well with your existing beauty routine as it naturally hydrates the skin. As all products in our skincare line, the Organic Almond Oil is vegan, skin-compatible, and sustainably sourced from Spain. *In November 2020, our almond oil was once again named the comparison winner in the category almond oil by the independent and objective comparison portal “vergleich.org”.
Ekološko Mandljevo Olje Vegan + Hladno Stisnjeno, 100ml - Vijolična Steklenica - Bogato z Vitamini za Mehko Kožo - Čista Naravna Kozmetika

Ekološko Mandljevo Olje Vegan + Hladno Stisnjeno, 100ml - Vijolična Steklenica - Bogato z Vitamini za Mehko Kožo - Čista Naravna Kozmetika

Our almond oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product, grown in organic cultivation. It is gently cold-pressed from select almond kernels to preserve valuable nutrients and vitamins. The oil’s characteristic, slightly sweet aroma indicates that we did not alter its natural state and vouches for the product’s purity. We forego the use of additives, fragrances, and chemicals during and after the extraction process. The precious oil is characterised by its gentleness. Due to this characteristic, it is especially suited for dry, sensitive, and easily irritated skin. The oil integrates well with your existing beauty routine as it naturally hydrates the skin. As all products in our skincare line, the Organic Almond Oil is vegan, skin-compatible, and sustainably sourced from Spain. *In November 2020, our almond oil was once again named the comparison winner in the category almond oil by the independent and objective comparison portal “vergleich.org”.
Ekološko Olje Šipka Vegan - 50ml Vijolična Steklenica

Ekološko Olje Šipka Vegan - 50ml Vijolična Steklenica

Pure Wild Rose Oil Rich in Vitamin A, E, Omega 3,6,9 for Soft Skin, Hair & Nails - Satin Naturel’s Organic Rosehip Oil - organic natural cosmetics from Germany Are you still searching for a sustainable, high-quality organic moisturiser that makes your skin supple, protects it from environmental impacts, and promotes tautness, smoothness, and a natural glow? Want to know exactly what the product you are applying is made of? Our Organic Rosehip Oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product grown in organic cultivation. It is cold-pressed from select rosehip fruits via a gentle extraction process to preserve the valuable nutrients and vitamins. The versatile body oil makes dry skin a problem of the past. Its richness in vitamin A, C, & E, antioxidants, and essential omega-3, -6, & -9 fatty acids replenish and nurture your skin. As all products in our skin care line, the organic rosehip oil is vegan, skin compatible, and sustainably sourced from Europe (countries of origin depend on seasonal availability to ensure best possible quality).
Ekološko Jojobino Olje Vegansko, Hladno Stisnjeno + 100% Čisto, 100ml - Nega Kože bogata z Vitaminom E za Mehko Kožo & Lase & Zdrave Nohte

Ekološko Jojobino Olje Vegansko, Hladno Stisnjeno + 100% Čisto, 100ml - Nega Kože bogata z Vitaminom E za Mehko Kožo & Lase & Zdrave Nohte

Our jojoba oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product, grown in organic cultivation. It is cold-pressed from select jojoba seeds via a gentle extraction process to preserve the valuable nutrients and vitamins. The oil’s neutral aroma indicates that we did not alter its natural state and vouches for the product’s purity. We forego the use of additives, fragrances, and chemicals during and after the extraction process. Organic jojoba oil is a great solution for all who wish to incorporate a natural, high-quality moisturiser into their daily skin care routine. A richness in vitamins, minerals, and essential omega fatty acids characterise our premium oil that deeply nourishes your hair, nails, and skin. By adding more tautness and elasticity, the oil rejuvenates you skin and brings back its natural beauty and radiant glow. It supports your body’s healing process of scars and stretch marks. Essential omega fatty acids repair brittle nails and damaged hair structures from the inside.
Ekološko Olje Šipka Vegan - 100ml Vijolična Steklenica

Ekološko Olje Šipka Vegan - 100ml Vijolična Steklenica

Pure Wild Rose Oil Rich in Vitamin A, E, Omega 3,6,9 for Soft Skin, Hair & Nails - Satin Naturel’s Organic Rosehip Oil - organic natural cosmetics from Germany Are you still searching for a sustainable, high-quality organic moisturiser that makes your skin supple, protects it from environmental impacts, and promotes tautness, smoothness, and a natural glow? Want to know exactly what the product you are applying is made of? Our Organic Rosehip Oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product grown in organic cultivation. It is cold-pressed from select rosehip fruits via a gentle extraction process to preserve the valuable nutrients and vitamins. The versatile body oil makes dry skin a problem of the past. Its richness in vitamin A, C, & E, antioxidants, and essential omega-3, -6, & -9 fatty acids replenish and nurture your skin. As all products in our skin care line, the organic rosehip oil is vegan, skin compatible, and sustainably sourced from Europe (countries of origin depend on seasonal availability to ensure best possible quality).
Organsko Jojobino Olje Vegansko, Hladno Stisnjeno + 100% Čisto, 200ml - Nega Kože bogata z Vitaminom E za Mehko Kožo & Lase & Zdrave Nohte

Organsko Jojobino Olje Vegansko, Hladno Stisnjeno + 100% Čisto, 200ml - Nega Kože bogata z Vitaminom E za Mehko Kožo & Lase & Zdrave Nohte

Our jojoba oil is a 100% pure, premium-quality product, grown in organic cultivation. It is cold-pressed from select jojoba seeds via a gentle extraction process to preserve the valuable nutrients and vitamins. The oil’s neutral aroma indicates that we did not alter its natural state and vouches for the product’s purity. We forego the use of additives, fragrances, and chemicals during and after the extraction process. Organic jojoba oil is a great solution for all who wish to incorporate a natural, high-quality moisturiser into their daily skin care routine. A richness in vitamins, minerals, and essential omega fatty acids characterise our premium oil that deeply nourishes your hair, nails, and skin. By adding more tautness and elasticity, the oil rejuvenates you skin and brings back its natural beauty and radiant glow. It supports your body’s healing process of scars and stretch marks. Essential omega fatty acids repair brittle nails and damaged hair structures from the inside.
Polno Spektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - 25% CBD

Polno Spektralno Ekološko CBD Olje - 25% CBD

HUNDERTPROZENTIG HOCHPROZENTIG In diesem Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl steckt die konzentrierte Kraft der Hanfpflanze. Ein Öl mit einer so hohen CBD-Konzentration in einer so erstklassigen Qualität wirst Du wahrscheinlich sonst nirgendwo finden. Der Effekt: Du kannst Entzündungen, Schmerzen oder Schlafstörungen lindern und fühlst Dich einfach besser. Du hast gar keine Zipperlein? Dann freu Dich und genieß einfach die entspannende Wirkung. Das Öl wird in der Schweiz hergestellt. Die Inhaltsstoffe stammen aus Bio-Anbau: Der Bio-Nutzhanf enthält 25% CBD, wichtige Cannabinoide, Terpene und weitere Bestandteile der Hanfpflanze. (1 Tropfen = ca. 12,5 mg CBD). Und auch das Sonnenblumenöl ist Bio. Die Kombination der beiden Komponenten geben dem Öl einen nussigen, starken und leicht bitteren Geschmack. Wie all unsere CBD-Öle ist das 25%-Vollspektrum-Bio-CBD-Öl ein kosmetisches Produkt zur Mundpflege.
Organsko Olje za Brado za Moške Vegan - Steklenica 100ml

Organsko Olje za Brado za Moške Vegan - Steklenica 100ml

Nourishing Beard Conditioner with Jojoba & Argan Oil - Natural Oils,No Additives - Satin Naturel MEN’s Organic Beard Oil – Premium organic quality for you and your beard Satin Naturel MEN’s Organic Beard Oil takes care of your beard by offering a high-quality moisturising product. Valuable, gently cold-pressed organic oils of almonds, argan nuts, jojoba seeds, grape seeds, and apricots nourish every individual hair of your beard. They absorb quickly into your beard without leaving any fatty residue. Using beard oil produces long-lasting benefits for your skin as well. Essential oils from select citrus fruits and cedar wood refine our beard oil, making it a 100% natural alternative to cologne. It has a fresh, forest scent that awakens memories of freedom and adventure. Satin Naturel MEN’s Organic Beard Oil – rich & effective men’s care that requires less than 5 minutes for lasting effects.
Deli za krmiljenje in vzmetenje

Deli za krmiljenje in vzmetenje

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Rezervni deli za sisteme goriva in izpuha

Rezervni deli za sisteme goriva in izpuha

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Različne električne naprave, CPU-ji, Krmilne enote

Različne električne naprave, CPU-ji, Krmilne enote

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Vetrometi in vsi stekleni izdelki

Vetrometi in vsi stekleni izdelki

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.
Pnevmatike in kolesa

Pnevmatike in kolesa

Everyone knows that the key to a long and and troubleless operation of the engine is the use of high-quality motor oils and lubricants that meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and its timely replacement. Buying oil and technical liquids from us, you can be confident in the quality of purchased products; then, our company is the official partner of such leading brands as CASTROL, MOTUL, VENOL, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificates. Our experts will help you choose lubricants, and prices will surprise even the most discerning buyer.